Interlibrary Loan Policy
- A maximum of 3 requests at any time is allowed. A request is considered active from the time it is initiated until the material is returned to us.
- The library is unable to borrow items published in the current calendar year.
- ILL cannot borrow items printed before 1800. We will try to borrow these materials in reprint or microform, if available.
- Patrons owing fines and/or lost materials may not request interlibrary loans until the issues have been cleared. The library will not process ILL requests for patrons with overdue ILL materials.
- Interlibrary loan materials are not renewable; items must be returned by their due date to avoid late charges.
- The library can request spoken word audio, including language instruction and books on CD.
- Copyright laws apply to all interlibrary loans.
Fee Policy
Postage Fees: There will be a charge of $3.00 for each item shipped.
Lending Library Fees: The library borrows items only from libraries that lend free of charge